If you were injured in a bus accident in California, you could file a personal injury claim to compel liable parties to compensate you for the economic and non-economic losses you suffered.

However, a crucial aspect of California personal injury claims is negligence. The success of your suit depends on your ability to prove that the defendant was responsible for your injuries. Otherwise, you might not claim the damages for the losses you've sustained in the accident.

That said, who is liable to pay for your damages? Can it be multiple people? Can it be a company?

Let's look at how liability works in Los Angeles Bus Accident claims, as experienced by prescreened personal injury lawyers in California.

california bus accident claims

Identifying Negligence In California Personal Injury Claims

If you've been injured, one of the considerations you have to make is identifying the people you'll sue. Here are a few considerations to help you in that process:

How To Identify Negligence In California Bus Accident Claims

The most important aspect of California personal injury law is negligence. If someone or an agency is not considered legally negligent, then they cannot be compelled to compensate you for your claims.

Here's how experienced Los Angeles Bus Accident lawyers identify negligent parties:

  • The defendant had a duty of care: For example, bus drivers must drive safely, keep their eyes on the road, and so on. Likewise, manufacturers must ensure their products are not defective to avoid accidents caused by those defects.
  • The defendant breached their duty of care: The defendant who breaches their duty is considered negligent. For example, if the company or team that maintains the buses failed to properly upkeep it, they might be considered negligible and liable for the accident.
  • The breach of duty of care caused your accident: For example, the bus driver went to work while under the influence, the maintenance crew failed to upkeep the bus, or the manufacturer failed to catch possible defective buses.
  • The accident resulted in damages: If you've suffered economic and non-economic losses, you can sue identified defendants and collect damages.

Again, there might be multiple defendants in your bus accident claim. To ensure everyone is held accountable, contact a California bus crash lawyer to help you identify all the liable parties.

los angeles bus accident lawyers

Who Is Liable In Bus Accident Claims In California?

So, you now know the process of identifying who is negligent in California bus accident lawsuits. That said, which parties (or people) can be sued in California personal injury claims?

Here's a list of possible defendants in your bus crash claims in California:

  • Bus drivers
  • Franchise owners
  • Distributor
  • Manufacturers
  • Maintenance crew
  • Another driver who caused a collision with the bus
  • People or agencies who left debris on the road
  • Government agencies that failed to install traffic signs, fix roads, proper warning signs, etc.

Essentially, anyone who breached their duty of care can be considered liable for your (and other passengers') injuries. Contact a Los Angeles Bus Accident lawyer to review your case if you have trouble identifying the responsible parties.

What Should You Do After A Bus Accident In California?

If you are hurt in a bus accident in California:

  • Seek medical help. Before doing anything else, dial 911 if you or anyone involved in the collision has been seriously hurt. If no one needs immediate assistance, stay on the scene long enough to handle the following few tasks before leaving to see a doctor.
    • Even though you may not be in pain or have any apparent wounds, internal injuries, such as brain damage, can initially be challenging to detect, especially if you are in shock. Following your collision, going to the doctor as soon as possible could help you avoid many future problems.
  • Call the police. If you are a passenger, notify law enforcement about the collision or ask the bus driver to do so. The crash's specifics will be recorded by the police, who will also look into how it happened.
  • Document the crash site. Ask witnesses for their contact information and the names, numbers, and insurance companies of drivers who may have witnessed the collision. If you can, document the crash site with photos or video. Take pictures of any accidents, injuries, property damage, tire skid marks, and other vehicles involved.
  • Guard your legal rights. If you have been in a crash, there are some crucial things to remember that will safeguard your claim even if you ultimately decide against filing a lawsuit. If the insurance provider for the negligent driver calls, ignore them. Instead, refer them to your attorney.
california bus accident attorneys

Find A California Bus Crash Lawyer Near Me

1000Attorneys is California Bar Association Certified and can refer you to a fitting Los Angeles Bus Accident lawyers in minutes. However, each case is unique, so you need someone best fit to aid, counsel, and represent you in California.

You may contact us through our 24/7 live chat (or complete our case details submission form) for a free initial consultation.