Many slip-and-fall cases in California come to a settlement agreement before they even reach the court. If you have enough evidence, defendants will often settle to avoid the complicated process (or further problems) caused by taking things to court.

Settlement negotiations are more than just a one-time sit-down between the plaintiff and the defendant. There are a lot of back-and-forths that happen in these negotiations, so it's a great idea to know what you're in for.

Here's what our Personal Injury Lawyers in California have to say about them:

california slip and fall attorney

How Are Slip And Fall Settlements Initiated In California?

A case usually goes through some form of pre-trial preparation before settlement discussions begin. Typically, you start by filing a formal legal claim, after which both sides may engage in negotiations. Up until the judge makes a ruling, a settlement could be reached.

However, it's relatively common for out-of-court settlements to be finalized before you reach the court. If you have enough evidence to show that the defendant is indeed liable for your injuries, defendants will often settle. Therefore, you should carefully establish your case at this time with the assistance of your Los Angeles personal injury attorney.

When participating in an open discovery process, both parties are made aware of the case's benefits and drawbacks. You are not compelled to share your own viewpoints with the opposing side of the argument. Additionally, they are not obligated to provide you their honest appraisal of the circumstance.

However, when both parties have given the evidence some thought, they can begin talking about the settlement.

los angeles personal injury attorney

Out-Of-Court Settlement Negotiations Begin

There are numerous ways to have settlement conversations regarding slip and fall accidents. The parties may trade letters or emails outlining their positions and requesting specific agreements from the other side. These letters frequently contain a lot of information, such as declarations of the law, the facts, and further pertinent details.

Informal agreements can be reached at any time. When the parties have had a chance to gather and examine the case evidence, you can start negotiating and agreeing on a few things.

Slip-and-fall settlement discussions occur during official mediation sessions and informal negotiations. You can choose to participate in mediation, but the court may also require you to do so.

In mediation, you collaborate with those who have received conflict resolution training. They assist the parties in having a fruitful discussion about settling the issue. Therefore, it's imperative to prepare for mediation so that you have the knowledge you need on hand to make your mediation session worthwhile.

Remember, there are going to be a lot of disagreements and proposals thrown around. Therefore, you need your Los Angeles Slip And Fall Lawyer to ensure you're not getting an unfavorable settlement amount.

Should I Accept a Slip and Fall Settlement?

So, do you settle? The quick answer is: it depends.

It makes sense to resolve your slip-and-fall claim where the parties agree on the general value of the case. If the opposing party agrees that they're liable and are willing to pay for the monetary and emotional damages you proposed, you should settle. Doing so means you avoid the cost, stress, and delays associated with taking your case to trial.

There are some circumstances, however, where going to trial in your case might be best for you. You can decide what will work best for your case with the assistance of an experienced prescreened Los Angeles Slip And Fall Lawyer.

california personal injury law

Find The Best Slip And Fall Attorney In Los Angeles

Were you in an accident recently? Get compensation from the liable parties!

1000Attorneys is an attorney referral service in Los Angeles (and across California). We offer a free case review before giving referrals to a Los Angeles Slip And Fall Lawyer best fit to handle your California slip and fall claim. Fill out our case review form or contact us through our live chat to get started!