Most motorcycle riders follow a basic safety rule when operating their vehicles: stay alert and prepare an escape route in case of any emergency because when you're on two wheels, you're invisible to other cars.

Unfortunately, some people don't grasp how bad texting or being drunk while driving could be. Hence, you get situations where people still get into accidents despite the laws and policies that strive to minimize these problems.

That said, how bad can a motorcycle accident get? Let's look at the most common causes, injuries, and legal repercussions of negligence in California personal injury law:

california motorcycle accident claim

Causes And Effects Of Motorcycle Accidents In California

So, negligence can lead to not only physical injuries and death but also financial losses. If you've been injured, had to pay medical bills, lost income, and experienced emotional distress, you have grounds to file for a Personal Injury Claim in California.

The Most Common Causes Of Motorcycle Accidents

The following are a few of the most common reasons for motorcycle accidents:

1. Distracted Drivers

Drivers must always keep their eyes on the road (and surroundings). Any activity that diverts their attention from the road at a crucial time may cause a collision. This includes using the radio, G.P.S. system, texting, talking on the phone, or conversing with other passengers.

2. Operator Errors

When sharing the road with motorcyclists, drivers may make poor decisions such as:

  • Failing to yield while merging or halting
  • Gauging the distance when changing lanes close to a motorcycle
  • Making tight corners without enough room.

That said, these errors are not limited to the examples listed above. If you've been in an accident caused by operator error, you should consult a  California motorcycle accident lawyer to help you get compensation for your losses.

2. Speeding

When a vehicle travels faster than the posted speed limit, there may not be enough time to stop for a motorcyclist up ahead, perhaps leading to a fatal rear-end collision.

3. Aggressive Driving

On the road, not everyone abides by the rights of others. Aggressive or reckless drivers may weave and dart between lanes, follow motorbikes excessively closely, or purposefully or unintentionally cut off riders and stop short. All of these actions considerably enhance the likelihood of a dangerous collision.

4. Drivers Who Are Intoxicated, High On Drugs, Or Fatigued

These factors result in significantly longer reaction times, inaccurate assessments of speed, time, and distance, lower sight, and a diminished ability to concentrate on the road.

los angeles motorcycle crash lawyer

The Most Common Motorcycle Injuries In California

Even the best riding gear cannot provide the same level of protection as a car's metal chassis. As a result, in the event of an accident, riders are at risk for a variety of serious injuries, including:

  • Skull fractures and traumatic brain damage
  • Injuries to the neck and spinal cord
  • A severe form of friction burn from scuffing or sliding on the pavement (A.K.A. "road rash")
  • Broken arms, legs, ribs, vertebrae, and hips
  • Finger and toe amputations due to trauma, as well as partial or complete limb loss
  • Facial injuries, such as shattered jaws, missing teeth, and severe scarring
  • Eye injuries that could result in either temporary or permanent vision changes

A motorbike accident in California can be dangerous off the road as well. Road grit and accident debris increase the risk of a post-accident infection, which can complicate recovery and result in therapy, surgery, and long healing times.

Hence, if the liable party continuously refuses to pay or compensate you for your injuries, you can sue them. That said, a personal injury claim requires a lot of steps, so contact a prescreened motorcycle crash lawyer in Los Angeles to help advise you on your next legal move.

Getting Compensation For Motorcycle Accident Damages In California

Motorcycle riders who suffered injuries caused by a negligent party (i.e., a driver of a car, a pedestrian, or even another biker) may file a personal injury case to get monetary damages in a court of law. Using a lawsuit, victims can demand compensation in the form of damages from the party or parties who caused the accident, including:

  • Costs of ambulances, urgent care, hospitalization, and operations
  • Visits to the physician and other post-injury care
  • Physical, occupational, or speech therapy
  • Your motorcycle's maintenance or replacement, as well as personal items like riding gear
  • Payment for the emotional distress brought on by the accident
  • Punitive damage awards may also be awarded in unique circumstances, usually to penalize egregious behavior.

That said, you can't just claim damages without first showing proof of the other party's negligence. Hence, it's crucial to identify who's the blame. For example, it could be the car manufacturer instead of the driver. Depending on the specifics of your California personal injury claim, it could also be multiple responsible parties.

los angeles personal injury lawyer

Find A Motorcycle Accident Attorney In California

1000Attorneys is a lawyer referral service certified by California's State Bar. We conduct a free case review to ensure you find the best-fitted motorcycle accident lawyer in Los Angeles.

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