Top Rated Estate Planning & Probate Lawyers in Los Angeles help clients prepare and implement legal documents, such as wills and trusts. In addition, they know how to advise clients on organizing their affairs in case of death or incapacitation. As these implementations could be crucial decisions for anyone, you could benefit from hiring CA Estate Planning attorneys to help you.

That said, a lot of estate planning is best done before anything happens to you. Here's what a Los Angeles estate planning attorney can do and why you need them:

california estate planning lawyer

What Can An Estate Planning Lawyer In California Help You With?

Estate Planning Attorney in Los Angeles can also assist in resolving complicated familial or monetary issues like:

  • Appointing a guardian for dependents who are still alive
  • The naming of beneficiaries for IRAs, 401(k), and life insurance
  • Establishing yearly gifts to approved charities and non-profits to lower the taxable estate
  • Lowering estate taxes by selecting beneficiary-named trust funds
  • Organizing funeral services
  • Establishing a lasting power of attorney (POA) to manage other assets and investments

Notice that a lot of these require you to create a legal document. Not to mention, they pertain to aspects of the use and distribution of your estate, which is crucial for any individual.

Los Angeles estate planning lawyers can advise you on how to go about your unique estate planning tasks and help you execute those plans into legal documents. Not to mention, they can also help you sort out your estate planning options and what best fits your current concern.

los angeles estate planning lawyer

What Are The Documents An Estate Lawyer Can Help You Execute?

An Estate Planning Attorney in Los Angeles focuses on federal and state issues relating to estates, trusts, and probate. They can assess your situation and work with you to create or update your estate plan to ensure it accurately reflects your goals.

Some of the documents and situations that Top Rated Estate Planning & Probate Lawyers in Los Angeles can help with are listed below:

  • Will and Testament. In a final will and testament, you can state how you want to have your affairs managed after death.
  • Choosing Potential Beneficiaries. Some accounts, like bank and investment accounts, allow you to select beneficiaries for the money in the account.
  • Living Will. A living will, a form of advance directive, specifies your wishes if you become ill and cannot communicate your wishes for funeral arrangements.
  • Trust. It is common to create and transfer assets to a living trust. A trustee may oversee the trust fund's assets on behalf of the beneficiaries.
  • Power of Attorney. In the power of attorney document, you can name individuals who will be able to make financial or medical decisions on your behalf.

When Do You Need To Call Top Rated Estate Planning & Probate Lawyers in Los Angeles?

It would be beneficial for you to hire CA Estate Planning attorneys if you fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • You own a business or enterprise.
  • You have a family member who is disabled.
  • You desire to donate all or a portion of your estate to charity.
  • You just got divorced.
  • You are subject to federal and/or state estate taxes because of your taxable estate.
  • You've married again (or planning to).
  • You have property in multiple states.
  • Your children are minors at this time.
  • You don't have children.
  • You have sizable 401(k) and/or IRA funds.
  • Your spouse or another family member passed away recently.

As you notice, many of these categories have something to do with how your estate or properties will be distributed or used. However, you don't have to experience a significant milestone in your life to start estate planning.

After all, you don't know what will happen in the future, so creating your living will and other plans is a great idea no matter at which point in your life you're at.

will and testament california

Hire Top Rated Estate Planning & Probate Lawyers in Los Angeles Near You

Do you need an Estate Planning Attorney in Los Angeles1000Attorneys is a State of California Certified Estate Planning Lawyer Referral Service that can refer you to a prescreened California lawyer in minutes.

Contact us through our 24/7 live chat (or complete our case details submission form) for a free initial consultation.